Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ever Green Relationship-Parent-Child Relationship

Just like with any relationship, building a positive relationship between parent and child is one that requires work and effort to make it strong and successful. Parenting is a tough job, and maintaining close relationships and open communications helps to ensure parents and their children stay connected through all ages of their upbringing.
A proverb by William D. Tammeus goes like this-"You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back".
Their always been two perspective from a parent point of view & from a child point of view, their have to be some differ in their respective ideologies. Being a parent which is the most  ultimate and beautiful  feeling of all takes lots of responsibilities and patience which is most challenging in a parent-child relationship irrespective of the country, color of our skin.

Being a father myself i can say that I still remember that moment when I first looked at my own child my own blood, that was so nice to see someone who is my very own, one whose veins carries the same blood, the most memorable day of my life still cherish that day. But upbringing of a child takes a lot of patience & some basic responsibilities that no parent can overlook still remember the day, he called me dad for the very first time, the day he walked with his tiny little leg, cant forget that him holding my hand the days when he started walking with his tiny little fingers.
A very popular quote is coming to my mind once the all time great pianist Charles Wadsworth said—"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong. "
Every person in this world has their own ideologies, point of views, so as we growing old the our point of view with everything surrounding us changes & we failed to keep pace with time sometimes that resulted in generation gap, so never enforce anything on our child, we must guide them to take good decisions in their life, cant force them what we the parents think the best for their child, we simply cant deny the creativity one persist. So the best parents are those who guide their child to choose the best for their child without destroying their creativity & to stand by their child in the time of most adverse days in their lives, never let your child feel alone, never let them feel deprived, always encourage them & most importantly never compare them with other kids those bonded the most in a Parent-child relationship. Have the best parenting days ahead.

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